• Features
  • Structure your Account with Sites & Locations

Structure your Account with Sites & Locations


Sites & Locations

What is the difference?

A Site is a seperate geographic locality while a Location is typically an entry/exit point within that Site. More info here.


Unlimited Locations

Create as many QR Code Poster or Kiosk Sign In Locations as you like. Ideal for special events.


QR Code Geo-Location

Enable Geo-Location at each QR code poster to ensure sign ins are authentic.

Location services must be enabled on the phone doing the sign in.


Limit Visitor Type access according to Locations

You can decide which Visitor Types can sign in at which Locations.

For example, only Staff may sign in and out at the Warehouse.


Site Specific Reports

Admins may view Visitor Reports on a Site by Site basis.


Restrict Admin Access to certain Sites

Admin or Super Admin logins can be setup to administer an individual Site or any combination of Sites.